ICDCS 2021

41st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
July 7 - July 10, 2021, Virtual Washington DC, USA

Full Paper Materials and Presentation Guidelines

As announced before, ICDCS 2021 will be held virtually (via Whova), and we plan to include synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication during the conference.

To facilitate the conference presentation and interactions, please submit: (1) your slides (in PDF format), and (2) a short video for your paper presentation, and submit BOTH through the provided Dropbox links by June 15th, 2021(longer videos will not be accepted).  On the scheduled time, the short video will be presented, and at least one author will need to present to answer questions.

The slides and video specifications and instructions to upload them are as below.

Slides specification:

  1. Aspect ratio: 16:9
  2. Leave sufficient space in the top-right corner for the speaker inset showing you presenting your paper when recording
  3. Introduction slide that clearly lists the title of your paper, author names, (and affiliations)
  4. File format: PDF
  5. File name: icdcs21_slides_[session#]_[paper#]_[yourlastname].pdf (e.g., icdcs21_slides_session1_paper123_smith.pdf)

Video specifications:

  1. Length: at most 8 minutes
  2. File format: MP4
  3. Resolution: 1080p
  4. Aspect ratio: 16:9
  5. Maximum file size: 500MB
  6. File name: icdcs21_video_[session#]_[paper#]_[yourlastname].mp4 (e.g., icdcs21_video_session1_paper123_smith.pdf)

Upload instructions:

All presentations slides and videos should be uploaded to the corresponding Dropbox links by the specified deadline. Click on the following Dropbox links, select your file, and upload: 

Upload your slides for the ICDCS’21 full paper: https://www.dropbox.com/request/vrZkoZhFSIrfCrEeMW1Z

Upload your talk video for the ICDCS’21 full paper: https://www.dropbox.com/request/hm1zSs61rPLBau7EVqkJ

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